Online Security Products

CCTV Hard Disk Drive Info

CCTV Hard Disk Drive Information

The following examples of CCTV recorder and camera combinations should help you to calculate how much drave space you will require in TB (terrabytes)

Please note: many factors can affect the requirement, very detailed images use more, less detailed images (tarmac car park) use less per frame, the "quality" settings in the recorder can be changed from high to medium and low, this again will change the recording times. Please use the list below as rule of thumb guidlines only and if your site has a requirement from an authority to record for a minimum of a month, ensure you order slightly larger HDDs than stated to guarantee compliance.

NB: CCTV recorders cannot use computer hard disk drives, these run too hot and will damage the recorder, it is necessary to use server or CE class drives such as WD purple

2MP cameras @ H264 compression

1 X 2MP camera - 25 frames per second - H264 recorder compression - requires 1TB per month of recording

3 X 2MP cameras - 8 frames per second - H264 recorder compression - requires 1TB per month of recording

5MP cameras @ H265 compression

1 X 5MP camera - 25 frames per second - H265 recorder compression - requires 1.5TB per month of recording

3 X 5MP cameras - 8 frames per second - H265 recorder compression - requires 1.5B per month of recording

8MP cameras @ H265 cpmpression

1 X 8MP camera - 25 frames per second - H265 recorder compression - requires 2TB per month of recording

3 X 8MP cameras - 8 frames per second - H265 recorder compression - requires 2TB per month of recording